Squishy Forts Kickstarter Over – 270% Funded!

Thank you everyone! With 270% of Squishy Fort’s original funding goal met, this is truly a great Christmas present that all of you have given me. It’s also my birthday on the 26th, so I’ll take it as a birthday present, too!

I have to admit – things were looking pretty bleak at the start, and there was even a point where I told my girlfriend it was probably time to cancel the project. But, all the planning and strategising paid off, as Squishy Forts got picked up by media outlets like The Huffington Post, CNET and Gizmodo. We even made the front page of Reddit for a few hours!

Your backing has not only provided the funds to make this happen, it’s also validated that Squishy Forts is something that people want to buy, rather than just a crazy idea I thought up.

Running this Kickstarter project has been a really fun, intensive experience, but the real fun is about to begin! From here, it’s time to meet all of your rewards and build a sustainable business. This involves going through the manufacturing and shipping process, and building relationships with online retailers, as well as the old fashioned brick & mortar kind.

As some of you would have seen in the Project Risks and Challenges, my background is in IT Security. So a lot of this is very new to me. But, my marketing plan worked out as expected, and I have full confidence that the rest of the plan will as well. I’ve got the next few months fully dedicated to this, and will keep everybody in the loop as I go.

Now that Kickstarter is over, I’m going to take a few days to rest and relax, to spend time with my family over the holidays, and then I’ll be in touch with all of you to start sorting out colour preferences, shipping addresses, and all the other things that  we need to do to get the rewards in your hands.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and again a huge thanks to all my backers, and everyone who helped spread the word. Talk soon!



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